
Edo 2024 Governorship Election: A Call for Integrity and Development

As the 2024 Edo Governorship election approaches, candidates from various political parties are intensifying their campaigns, emphasizing the critical importance of integrity, development, and the rejection of vote buying and selling. The campaign messages delivered by candidates highlight their visions for the state and call upon the electorate to make informed and conscientious decisions at the polls.

L-R: Asue Ighodalo (PDP), Bishop Akhalemhe and Dr Joyce Idubor (ZLP)

PDP Candidate Asue Ighodalo: Vote with Integrity

Asue Ighodalo, the candidate of the People's Democratic Party (PDP) for the 2024 Edo Governorship election, has made a fervent plea to the electorate to avoid the pitfalls of vote selling and vote buying. Speaking at a town hall meeting in Benin City, the capital of Edo State, Ighodalo underscored the power that voters hold in determining the future of the state.

Ighodalo warned that accepting monetary enticements from politicians in exchange for votes could lead to four years of misery and stagnation. He emphasized that the true power to effect positive change lies with the voters, and their choices should be guided by a commitment to the greater good rather than short-term gains.

"Vote selling and buying undermine the democratic process and lead to the election of leaders who may not have the best interests of the people at heart," Ighodalo stated. "We must resist the temptation of immediate gratification and instead focus on electing leaders who are capable of driving development and progress in Edo State."

Ighodalo's message resonated with many attendees at the town hall meeting, who expressed concerns about the pervasive issue of vote buying in previous elections. His call for integrity and responsible voting aims to empower the electorate to take control of their future and ensure that the elected leaders are accountable and dedicated to the state's development.

Zenith Labour Party Candidates: Prioritize Knowledge and Development

Similarly, the Governorship and Deputy Governorship candidates of the Zenith Labour Party (ZLP), Bishop Akhalemhe and Dr Joyce Idubor, have echoed the call for voters to prioritize knowledge and development over monetary incentives. During the flag-off of their campaign in Benin City, Akhalemhe and Idubor emphasized the importance of making informed decisions that would contribute to the state's progress.

The duo highlighted that the modern economy is driven by knowledge and innovation, and it is crucial for voters to elect leaders who understand and can harness these dynamics for the benefit of Edo State. They urged the electorate to look beyond financial inducements and focus on the capabilities and visions of the candidates.

"Putting money ahead of key decisions will do nothing to help produce leaders capable of bringing development," Akhalemhe asserted. "We need leaders who are knowledgeable, forward-thinking, and dedicated to the growth and prosperity of Edo State."

Idubor added that voters should maintain a consciousness that aligns with the demands of the contemporary economy. She emphasized that leaders who are committed to education, technology, and sustainable development are essential for addressing the challenges facing the state and improving the quality of life for its residents.

The Battle for Edo State: Key Issues and Candidates' Visions

The upcoming Edo Governorship election is poised to be a significant event, with various candidates presenting their visions for the state. The primary issues at the forefront of the campaigns include economic development, education, healthcare, infrastructure, and security.

Economic Development

Asue Ighodalo's campaign has placed a strong emphasis on economic development. He has outlined plans to attract investment, support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and create job opportunities for the youth. Ighodalo believes that a robust economy is the foundation for a prosperous Edo State, and his administration would focus on policies that foster economic growth and diversification.

Bishop Akhalemhe and Dr Joyce Idubor of the ZLP have also prioritized economic development, with a particular focus on leveraging knowledge and technology. They propose initiatives to enhance the state's technological infrastructure, promote digital literacy, and support innovation hubs. Their vision includes transforming Edo State into a knowledge-driven economy that can compete on both national and global stages.


Education is another critical area where candidates are promising significant improvements. Ighodalo has pledged to invest in the state's educational system, ensuring that schools are well-equipped and teachers are adequately trained. He plans to introduce programs that encourage STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education, preparing students for the demands of the modern workforce.

Akhalemhe and Idubor have also emphasized the importance of education in their campaign. They propose policies that prioritize digital education, vocational training, and lifelong learning opportunities. Their goal is to equip Edo State's residents with the skills needed to thrive in a rapidly changing economy.


Improving healthcare services is a common theme among the candidates. Ighodalo has committed to enhancing healthcare infrastructure, increasing access to quality medical services, and implementing policies that address public health challenges. He aims to reduce maternal and child mortality rates and ensure that healthcare services are accessible to all residents, particularly those in rural areas.

The ZLP candidates have proposed a comprehensive healthcare plan that includes the modernization of healthcare facilities, the recruitment of more medical professionals, and the implementation of health education programs. They believe that a healthy population is essential for the state's development and are committed to making healthcare a top priority.


Infrastructure development is another key focus area for the candidates. Ighodalo has outlined plans to improve road networks, enhance public transportation, and invest in energy infrastructure. He believes that these improvements are necessary for attracting investment and supporting economic activities across the state.

Akhalemhe and Idubor have also highlighted infrastructure development in their campaign. They propose innovative solutions to address infrastructure challenges, including the use of smart technologies and sustainable practices. Their vision includes creating a modern and efficient infrastructure network that supports economic growth and improves the quality of life for residents.


Ensuring the safety and security of residents is a top priority for all candidates. Ighodalo has committed to strengthening law enforcement agencies, improving community policing, and implementing policies that address the root causes of insecurity. He believes that a secure environment is essential for economic development and social stability.

The ZLP candidates have also emphasized the importance of security in their campaign. They propose comprehensive security reforms that include enhancing intelligence gathering, increasing collaboration between security agencies, and promoting community involvement in security initiatives. Their goal is to create a safe and secure environment that fosters development and prosperity.

The Role of the Electorate: Making Informed Choices

As the campaign season progresses, the role of the electorate in shaping the future of Edo State cannot be overstated. The calls from candidates to reject vote buying and selling and to prioritize knowledge and development reflect a broader appeal for responsible and informed voting.

Voters are encouraged to critically evaluate the candidates' platforms, assess their track records, and consider their visions for the state. The decisions made at the polls will have far-reaching implications for the state's development and the quality of life for its residents.

Conclusion: A Pivotal Election for Edo State

The 2024 Edo Governorship election is shaping up to be a pivotal moment for the state. With candidates emphasizing integrity, development, and informed decision-making, the electorate has a unique opportunity to shape the future direction of Edo State. The calls to reject vote buying and selling underscore the importance of a transparent and accountable democratic process.

As the campaign season continues, it is crucial for voters to engage with the candidates' visions, ask critical questions, and make choices that reflect their aspirations for a prosperous and developed Edo State. The outcome of this election will be determined by the collective will of the people, and their commitment to integrity and development will play a decisive role in shaping the future of the state.

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